Current Mission Address

Mission Office Address
England Manchester Mission
Springwood, Ste G5
Booths Park, Knutsford, WA168QZ

Current Physical Address
2 Golftyn Drive
Connah's Quay

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

From 11/21/07

With Elder Robinson we taught a Chinese investigator named X***. We helped her better understand prayer and scripture study. I see a new light in her that I did not see before. We have been stressing learning how to pray and do proper scripture study, because it helps them become independent for life. They will not have to depend upon others to answer their questions. They can search them out themselves.

What spawned this change within me was John 4. Jesus speaks to the woman at the well about living water and a well of everlasting water. This is the best gift we can give someone. I started to search for this when I had talked to a homeless man earlier in the week. I decided that the best thing I could do for him is help him become independent and help himself change his life. After all, my purpose is to "Invite other to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel . . ."PMG 1. We cannot convince them or just teach them. We have to help them receive it. If they receive it, it becomes a part of who they are.

We got three new investigators this week. It is awesome. I love meeting people who I know just as well as Elder Reidhead does. We are continually filling in spots, and it is only getting better. We are working hard to find people, but need to work harder. The days can get difficult, but the Lord blesses us when we just go out and do what he would want us to do. Speaking of, you might be surprised, but I am so good at waking up in the morning. I am always helping other missionaries to wake up. Also, I came in a cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Mom, you can pull your jaw back up, but don't count on that habit continuing on when I get home. Just kidding, I am starting to realize that I have to do it if I want it done. And a clean place feels much better than a dirty one.

It has hardly rained since I got here. One of the only times was last night, and I am sending some pictures of Elder Reidhead and I just chilling in the rain. It felt really nice. I just have a bunch of random stuff to talk about. I have yet to play proper football since I have been outside the MTC. Still looking forward to that. But we do get to play basketball and volleyball with our Zone today. I seem to step in dog poop all of the time. It is just all over the place. It really is nasty. England is so tightly packed. People live in such small areas, and they leave stuff all over the place. Sometimes their dogs do too.

I am learning a lot everyday and focusing on retaining as much as I can. There are some great missionaries out here, and I can learn from all of them. I am excited for the role that the mission is starting to play in my life. It continues to become a part of me. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. I have started to put small and simple things in my day to accomplish great things. I used to just sit there and think of amazing things that could work, but it is a gradual process. I am getting excited about these kinds of habits that I am getting into. Time is flying by really fast. It is almost the end of 2007!!!!! Some of my friends have been out for almost a year! Scary, scary, scary.

We had a Thanksgiving Dinner on Monday with all of the FHE. A missionary couple from America put it together for us. Things are going great. I am fighting through anything that I have, but don't get me wrong. I know it is very hard. Everyday is, but that is how God teaches us. Through experience. I am so grateful for the scriptures, an amazing family, and wonderful church leaders. MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK!! Work on companionship unity with your Savior!

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